
Google Phone App May Soon Integrate WhatsApp Calls and Introduce Video Call Shortcut.

Exploring Upcoming Features and Innovations.

Experience a seamless calling experience like never before! Recent reports suggest that an upcoming update to the Google Phone app might revolutionize how you handle your calls. The future is looking bright! Here’s a glimpse of what’s on the horizon.

Unified Call History: Bid farewell to toggling between apps! It appears that the Google Phone app is gearing up to integrate your WhatsApp call history. This means all your calls, whether conventional phone calls or WhatsApp calls, will be neatly organized in one central location.

Effortless Video Calling: Another exciting feature in the works is a potential shortcut button for video calls. Imagine being on a regular call and wanting to switch to video chat seamlessly. This new shortcut button, expected to appear within the call screen, could enable you to initiate a Google Meet video call with the person you’re currently speaking to.


By integrating WhatsApp calls into the Phone app, managing your call history becomes a breeze, streamlining your communication channels. The introduction of the video call shortcut button adds an extra layer of convenience, facilitating swift transitions to video chats without the hassle of switching between apps.

Current Development:

It’s worth noting that these features are currently visible to a select group of users participating in the Google Phone app beta program. This indicates that Google is still in the testing phase, and there’s no official confirmation regarding a broader rollout.

Future Outlook:

Should these features pass the beta testing phase successfully, it’s likely that a forthcoming update to the Google Phone app will introduce them to all users. This anticipated update has the potential to enhance the overall call management experience for Android users who frequently utilize both traditional phone calls and WhatsApp calls.

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